Explore Founding Funds
Select a fund curated around the priorities and needs of underserved communities or we'll create a custom fund for your and your family.
Tzeda Grants to Orgs
We do all of the leg work to make sure that your donation is granted properly to the orgs in the fund(s) you've selected in a timely manner.
Monthly Subscription
We recommend regular monthly donations to to ensure that orgs have a reliable source of regular income for strategic planning purposes.
Collect Tax Reciepts
We email you a tax receipt for your donation right away. In addition, if you ever need a copy, i.e., tax season ,you can download via your profile anytime.
How It Works
Explore Your Potential Impact
Through our Tzeda Survey, we learn about your values, vision, and desired impact.
Track Your Impact
Our platform provides comprehensive visibility on your impact over time. We generate tax receipts to make your reporting seamless and stress-free.
Receive Curated Giving Recommendations
We generate a personalized recommended giving portfolio and plan to ensure your investment goes most directly to the greatest need.
Amplify Your Impact
We provide original creative content and compelling data to share on your social platforms and inspire collective change.
Tzeda supports your giving journey from beginning to end by making it intuitive, impactful, and scaleable.
Our long term goal is to build an end-to-end donor subscription platform, offering personalized giving recommendations in response to community needs to make tangible and scalable social change.